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Recension av AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D CPU för stationära datorer: Ingen chans för Intels Arrow Lake mot AMD:s nya gaming-CPU med 3D V-Cache och Zen 5-arkitektur

Förstklassig CPU för gaming!

Tack vare 3D V-Cache-tekniken utlovar AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D imponerande prestanda, särskilt när det gäller spel. Tack vare sin moderna Zen 5-arkitektur erbjuder den nya 8-kärniga processorn förmodligen också märkbart mer prestanda utanför spel. I vår recension har vi lyft fram dess styrkor och svagheter, och analyserat hur den står sig i jämförelse med andra avancerade processorer på marknaden.
Sebastian Bade (översatt av DeepL / Ninh Duy) Publicerad 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 ...
AMD Zen 5 Desktop Gaming Ryzen (Zen)

Omdöme - Förstklassig gaming-CPU med bra allroundegenskaper

Under vårt test levererade AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D imponerande spelprestanda. Vardagliga applikationer drar dessutom nytta av den ökade IPC-prestandan, vilket gör processorn till en bra grund för kreativa uppgifter. Jämfört med sin föregångare levererar AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D upp till 25 procent mer prestanda beroende på scenario - utan att strömförbrukningen ökar. Detta är ett korrekt och viktigt steg i rätt riktning som resulterar i bättre effektivitet, även om Intel fortfarande ligger före i denna disciplin med sina Arrow Lake-processorer.

För att sammanfatta våra resultat kan vi säga att AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D för närvarande är den snabbaste spelprocessorn på marknaden. Men dess ökning i spelprestanda jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D är ganska liten. Intel kan absolut inte hålla jämna steg i en direkt jämförelse när det gäller spelprestanda. Ett stort, tvåsiffrigt gap i benchmarktesterna är redan ett stort slag i ansiktet för de nya Intel-processorerna - även om skillnaden är mycket mindre när man tittar på de mer realistiska spelinställningarna. De många små förbättringarna som AMD har gjort på sin AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D har i slutändan lönat sig. Den reviderade designen av själva CPU:n har märkbart ökat dess klockfrekvenser, samtidigt som vi uppmätte en betydande minskning av dess temperaturer.


+ utmärkt spelprestanda
+ modern 4 nm-produktion med 3D V-Cache
+ energieffektiv
+ fortfarande AM5-sockel


- relativt dyr
- endast 8 kärnor
- endast begränsad extra prestanda vid spel jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D

Pris och tillgänglighet

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D har en MRSP på $479, vilket gör den något dyrare än AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D på lanseringsdagen.

Amazon Logo
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8-Core, 16-Thread Desktop Processor
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D - byggd (källa: AMD)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D - byggd (källa: AMD)

Framför allt ger AMD:s processorer med 3D V-Cache extremt hög prestanda när man kör videospel. Exakt detta har redan demonstrerats på ett imponerande sätt av AMD i form av AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D. Efter att AMD nyligen släppte de första processorerna i sin 900-serie baserade på Zen 5-arkitekturen var det bara en tidsfråga innan efterträdaren till den populära AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D lanserades. Idag kan vi dela med oss av resultaten från vårt test av AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, med modellen tillgänglig för försäljning från och med den 7 november 2024. Om du funderade på om du skulle köpa en AMD Ryzen 9 med 3D V-Cache kanske vi måste avråda dig från det för tillfället. AMD har ännu inte gjort några officiella tillkännagivanden om processorerna. Men om man ska tro på ryktena kommer ytterligare modeller att följa nästa år.

Vi kommer därför att fokusera uteslutande på AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D i den här artikeln, som siktar på att stjäla kronan som den snabbaste spel-CPU:n på marknaden. Intel presenterade nyligen sina nya Arrow Lake-processorer, som inte ens kunde hålla jämna steg med den äldre AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D när det gäller spelprestanda. Detta ger AMD ett enkelt spel, för omvänt kommer dess största motståndare från sina egna led.

Översikt över AMD Ryzen 9000 och AMD Ryzen 7000

Modell Kärnor/threads Basklocka Turboklocka L2-cache L3-cache TDP PPT Lanseringspris
Ryzen 9 9950X 16/32 4,3 GHz 5,7 GHz 16x 1 MB 64 MB 170 watt 200 watt 649 USD
Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16/32 4,2 GHz 5,7 GHz 16x 1 MB 128 MB 120 watt 162 watt 699 USD
Ryzen 9 7950X 16/32 4,5 GHz 5,7 GHz 16x 1 MB 64 MB 170 watt 230 watt 699 USD
Ryzen 9 9900X 12/24 4,4 GHz 5,6 GHz 12x 1 MB 64 MB 120 watt 162 watt 499 USD
Ryzen 9 7900X3D 12/24 4,4 GHz 5,6 GHz 12x 1 MB 128 MB 120 watt 162 watt 599 USD
Ryzen 9 7900X 12/24 4,7 GHz 5,6 GHz 12x 1 MB 64 MB 170 watt 230 watt 549 USD
Ryzen 7 9800X3D 8/16 4,7 GHz 5,2 GHz 8x1 MB 96 MB 120 watt 162 watt 479 USD
Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8/16 4,2 GHz 5,0 GHz 8x 1 MB 96 MB 120 watt 162 watt 449 USD
Ryzen 7 9700X 8/16 3,8 GHz 5,5 GHz 8x 1 MB 32 MB 65 watt 88 watt 359 USD
Ryzen 7 7700X 8/16 4,5 GHz 5,4 GHz 8x 1 MB 32 MB 105 watt 142 watt 399 USD
Ryzen 5 9600X 6/12 3,9 GHz 5,4 GHz 6x 1 MB 32 MB 65 watt 88 watt 279 USD
Ryzen 5 7600X 6/12 4,7 GHz 5,3 GHz 6x 1 MB 32 MB 105 watt 142 watt 299 USD
Ryzen 5 7500F 6/12 3,7 GHz 5,0 GHz 6x 1 MB 32 MB 65 watt 88 watt 179 USD

Men låt oss först ta ett kronologiskt tillvägagångssätt och titta på processorns nya funktioner innan vi tittar på dess resultat i detalj. Externt har ingenting förändrats, eftersom AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D också använder AM5-basen - vilket innebär att en uppgradering inte skulle kosta skjortan om du redan äger ett AM5-moderkort. Det finns dock många skillnader att se under värmespridaren. Förutom den nyare Zen 5-arkitekturen - som tillverkas i en strukturbredd på 4 nm - har AMD arrangerat cacheminnet helt annorlunda. Grafiken visar att cacheminnet har flyttats in under CCD (Core Complex Die). Detta resulterar i betydligt högre klockfrekvenser samtidigt som värmeutvecklingen blir lägre. CCD:n innehåller de faktiska beräkningsenheterna, som fortfarande består av 8 kärnor och 16 trådar i AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D. En inbyggd 8-kärnig processor är för närvarande ett utmärkt val enbart för spel, vilket AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D redan har visat på ett utmärkt sätt. Det undviker också problemet med trådallokering, som delvis fanns i AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D.

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D:s RAM-klocka är officiellt 5 600 MT/s, så det är en liten förbättring. I de flesta fall kommer processorn sannolikt att drivas med ett EXPO RAM-kit vid 6 000 MT / s. Förutom processorn och moderkortet innehöll vårt recensionskit ett RAM-kit som skulle användas för testet. Detta innebär att vi körde i ett litet OC-scenario under våra tester när det gäller RAM-klockfrekvensen. Här vill vi påpeka att de välkända moderkortstillverkarna har så kallade QVL-listor som visar vilka RAM-minnen som är kompatibla. Det är därför värt att ta en titt på dessa innan du köper.

När det gäller AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D: s maximala strömförbrukning har ingenting förändrats. Tillverkaren har hållit fast vid den befintliga TDP på 120 watt. Den maximala strömförbrukningen begränsas dock av PPT (Package Power Tracking) på 162 watt. Även här finns det ingen förändring jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D.

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D 8 x 4.7 - 5.2 GHz, 162 W PL2 / Short Burst, 120 W PL1 / Sustained, Granite Ridge (Zen5)
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 - 24 GB VRAM, Kärna: 2610 MHz, Minne: 1313 MHz, 450 W TDP, 565.9
32 GB 
, DDR5-6000 MT/s
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G, 2048 GB 
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
479 USD
Obs: Tillverkaren kan använda komponenter från olika leverantörer inklusive bildskärmspaneler, enheter eller minnesstickor med liknande specifikationer.


Vi använde följande system för våra benchmarks och tester:

  • Streacom BC1 V2 öppet testbord
  • AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
  • Asrock X870E Taichi, BIOS: 3.09.AS03 (AGESA
  • Custom Loop vattenkylningssystem (pump: Watercool WCP D5, radiator: EK MO-RA3 420 Pro)
  • Palit GeForce RTX 4090 GameRock OC
  • EVGA SuperNOVA P+ 1 600 watt
  • G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB DDR5-6000 2x 16 GB, EXPO (DDR5-6000 CL28-36-36-96)
  • Kingston KC3000 2 TB, M.2 2280 (OS + syntetiska benchmarks)
  • Microsoft Windows 11 Professional 64-bitars (version 24H2)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB
G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB
Testpaket - AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, ASRock X870E Taichi, G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB

ASRock X870E Taichi fungerar som bas för AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D

Alla tester av AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D utfördes på ASRock X870E Taichi. De nyligen introducerade moderkorten i 800-chipsetgenerationen skiljer sig bara lite från sina föregångare. Det nya flaggskeppet, X870E, har nu alltid USB4 och ett brett utbud av USB 3.2-portar. Dessutom kan totalt fyra M.2 SSD-enheter rymmas på moderkortet.

ASRock X870E Taichi är en del av ASRocks Taichi-serie, även om de optiska växelelementen inte är lika närvarande som på andra moderkort från tillverkaren. Elementen åtföljs av subtil RGB-belysning. Det levereras också med 1x 5G LAN för trådbundna nätverksanslutningar, och det stöder den senaste Wi-Fi 7-standarden för trådlösa anslutningar. Det finns olika kylare spridda över hela moderkortet, som å ena sidan ger det sitt slående utseende, men som främst är avsedda att avleda värme. En speciell egenskap är att både SSD-kylaren ovanför grafikkortsplatsen och SSD-kylaren, som är placerad bredvid RAM-platserna, kan tas bort snabbt och utan att behöva använda några verktyg. Du kan enkelt låsa upp och ta bort grafikkortet från dess plats med hjälp av den så kallade EZ-versionen. Liknande system finns också tillgängliga från andra kortpartners. Tyvärr gäller inte denna verktygsfria borttagning för alla expansionsplatser. De två nedre M.2-platserna är placerade under en solid kylplatta, som i sin tur är säkrad med fyra skruvar.

Funktioner som ASRock Auto Driver Installer, som tillhandahåller alla lämpliga drivrutiner direkt efter installationen av operativsystemet, fungerade felfritt under vårt test. ASRock X870E Taichi stöder DDR5 RAM med höga klockfrekvenser på upp till 8.200 MT/s och mer. Upp till 256 GB är möjligt med alla fyra RAM-platserna upptagna. Det är dock viktigt att ägna stor uppmärksamhet åt kompatibilitet. Vi rekommenderar att du tar en titt på QVL-listan (Qualified Vendor List) för respektive moderkort för att säkerställa kompatibilitet.

Amazon Logo
ASRock AMD X870E Taichi Ryzen Socket AM5 X870 Dual Channel DDR5 DIMMs 256 GB 8200 EATX Motherboard M.2 LED WiFi 7
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi
ASRock X870E Taichi


Vi utförde alla prestandatester med hjälp av energiprofilen "maximal prestanda". Vi aktiverade också PBO i BIOS och laddade EXPO-profilen för RAM-minnet. Som kylenhet använde vi ett vattenkylningssystem med anpassad slinga, som vi redan har använt i samma form vid tidigare prestandatester av processorer.

Processorutmärkelser - Ryzen 7 9800X3D med 8 Zen-5-kärnor

Innan vi tar upp huvudsyftet med AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, låt oss ta en titt på dess rena CPU-prestanda. På grundval av många individuella riktmärken visade AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D konsekvent en märkbar ökning av prestanda jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D. När man tittar på den genomsnittliga prestandajämförelsen rankades vår testmodell strax före Intel Core i5-14600K. Även den nyligen släppta Intel Core Ultra 5 245K hamnade på efterkälken. AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D har bara en liten nackdel när man jämför den nya 8-kärniga med de nuvarande toppmodellerna. Det måste dock sägas att denna jämförelse är felaktig, eftersom AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3Ds utbud av applikationer tydligt riktar sig till spelentusiaster.

Du kan hitta fler processorbenchmarks här.

AMD Ryzen Master
AMD Ryzen Master
Performance Rating - Percent
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
82 pt
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
81.8 pt
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
79.5 pt
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
79.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
78.2 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
78 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
71.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
69.8 pt
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
68.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
67.8 pt
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
67.7 pt
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
67.6 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
66.6 pt
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
66.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
64.1 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
63.6 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
61.4 pt
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
59.3 pt
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
56.7 pt
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
52.1 pt
Cinebench R23
Single Core
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
2351 Points +13%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
2342 Points +13%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
2267 Points +9%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
2211 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
2202 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2180 Points +5%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
2132 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
2080 Points
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
2064 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
2053 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
2045 Points -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
2039 Points -2%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
2010 Points -3%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
1998 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
1967 Points -5%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
1907 Points -8%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
1820 Points -12%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
1786 Points -14%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
1680 Points -19%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
1649 Points -21%
Multi Core
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
42522 Points +83%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
41193 Points +77%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
40924 Points +76%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
40103 Points +73%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
37792 Points +63%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
36291 Points +56%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
29480 Points +27%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
27062 Points +16%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
27005 Points +16%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
25066 Points +8%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
24491 Points +5%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
24268 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
23230 Points
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
20485 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
18086 Points -22%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
17491 Points -25%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
17176 Points -26%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
15953 Points -31%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
15322 Points -34%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
12380 Points -47%
Cinebench R20
CPU (Single Core)
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
900 Points +10%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
899 Points +10%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
871 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
870 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
858 Points +5%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
828 Points +1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
820 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
818 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
795 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
795 Points -3%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
790 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
786 Points -4%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
775 Points -5%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
766 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
761 Points -7%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
734 Points -10%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
709 Points -13%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
688 Points -16%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
653 Points -20%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
641 Points -22%
CPU (Multi Core)
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
16623 Points +84%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
15788 Points +74%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
15466 Points +71%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
15181 Points +68%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
14786 Points +63%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
14188 Points +57%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
11563 Points +28%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
10482 Points +16%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
10240 Points +13%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
9752 Points +8%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
9371 Points +3%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
9265 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
9057 Points
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
7956 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
7121 Points -21%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
6719 Points -26%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
6692 Points -26%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
6135 Points -32%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
5985 Points -34%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
4740 Points -48%
Cinebench R15
CPU Single 64Bit
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
355 Points +8%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
346 Points +5%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
344 Points +5%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
341 Points +4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
332 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
328 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
328 Points
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
327 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
326 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
324 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
322 Points -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
315 Points -4%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
297 Points -9%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
291 Points -11%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
289 Points -12%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
286 Points -13%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
275 Points -16%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
272 Points -17%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
257 Points -22%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
244 Points -26%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
6396 Points +75%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
6335 (6262.72min - 6335.13max) Points +74%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
6282 Points +72%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
6209 Points +70%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
6191 Points +70%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
5974 Points +64%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
4856 Points +33%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
4492 Points +23%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
4057 Points +11%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
3850 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
3647 Points
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
3643 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
3640 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
3178 (3067.25min - 3120.37max) Points -13%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
2974 Points -18%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2630 Points -28%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
2555 Points -30%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
2507 Points -31%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
2358 Points -35%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
1759 Points -52%
Cinebench R11.5
CPU Single 64Bit
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
4.17 Points +9%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
4.06 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
4.03 Points +5%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
4.02 Points +5%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
4 Points +4%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
3.92 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
3.86 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
3.86 Points +1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
3.85 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
3.84 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
3.83 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
3.72 Points -3%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
3.58 Points -7%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
3.49 Points -9%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
3.48 Points -9%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
3.43 Points -11%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
3.31 Points -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
3.14 Points -18%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
3.1 Points -19%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
2.95 Points -23%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
77.29 Points +85%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
72.28 Points +73%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
72.24 Points +73%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
70.78 Points +70%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
68.61 Points +65%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
64.59 Points +55%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
54.51 Points +31%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
49.6 Points +19%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
47.55 Points +14%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
47.06 Points +13%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
42.38 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
41.67 Points
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
40.96 Points -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
36.24 Points -13%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
33.48 Points -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
30.86 Points -26%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
30.01 Points -28%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
28.41 Points -32%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
27.36 Points -34%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
20.39 Points -51%
Blender - v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
269 Seconds * -96%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
206 Seconds * -50%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
203 Seconds * -48%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
189.5 Seconds * -38%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
184 Seconds * -34%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
169 Seconds * -23%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
154 Seconds * -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
137 Seconds *
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
136 Seconds * +1%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
135 Seconds * +1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
134 Seconds * +2%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
121.1 Seconds * +12%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
112.8 Seconds * +18%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
106 Seconds * +23%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
86 Seconds * +37%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
85 Seconds * +38%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
80 Seconds * +42%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
80 Seconds * +42%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
79 Seconds * +42%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
77 Seconds * +44%
wPrime 2.10
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
4.924 s * -118%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
4.725 s * -110%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
4.078 s * -81%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
3.474 s * -54%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
2.976 s * -32%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
2.78 s * -23%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2.617 s * -16%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
2.538 s * -13%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
2.527 s * -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
2.435 s * -8%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
2.39 s * -6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
2.36 s * -5%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
2.254 s *
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
2.197 s * +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
2.077 s * +8%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
2.07 s * +8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
2.007 s * +11%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
1.818 s * +19%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
1.781 s * +21%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
1.669 s * +26%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
452.309 s * -733%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
202.7 s * -273%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
190.6 s * -251%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
177.592 s * -227%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
158.77 s * -192%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
112.849 s * -108%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
79.738 s * -47%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
77.721 s * -43%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
74.491 s * -37%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
74.47 s * -37%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
72.546 s * -34%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
64.9 s * -20%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
62.733 s * -16%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
59.56 s * -10%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
54.284 s *
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
48.806 s * +10%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
39.954 s * +26%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
33.879 s * +38%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
30.811 s * +43%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
29.318 s * +46%
X264 HD Benchmark 4.0
Pass 1
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
433.5 (424min - 434max) fps +15%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
422 (421min - 423max) fps +12%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
412 (410min - 417max) fps +10%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
411 (410min - 412max) fps +9%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
392.5 (391min - 397max) fps +5%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
392 (392min - 393max) fps +4%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
388.5 (387min - 390max) fps +3%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
388 (386min - 388max) fps +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
379.5 (378min - 385max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
376 (369min - 378max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
376 (374min - 376max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
375.5 (375min - 377max) fps
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
368.5 (366min - 369max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
367 (363min - 371max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
364 (361min - 367max) fps -3%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
344 (339min - 346max) fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
338.5 (337min - 340max) fps -10%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
333.5 (332min - 336max) fps -11%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
311 (310min - 312max) fps -17%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
252.5 (249min - 256max) fps -33%
Pass 2
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
296.5 (296min - 298max) fps +46%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
286.5 (285min - 287max) fps +41%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
271 (271min - 272max) fps +33%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
267 (266min - 271max) fps +32%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
266.5 (263min - 267max) fps +31%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
265.5 (263min - 266max) fps +31%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
241 (240min - 242max) fps +19%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
221 (220min - 221max) fps +9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
216.5 (215min - 217max) fps +7%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
209 (208min - 209max) fps +3%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
206 (206min - 206max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
203 (202min - 203max) fps
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
199 (198.5min - 199.4max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
176.05 (175.9min - 176.1max) fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
169.25 (169.1min - 170max) fps -17%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
154 (153.4min - 154.3max) fps -24%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
148 (147min - 148max) fps -27%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
147.8 (147.7min - 147.9max) fps -27%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
135.8 (135.7min - 135.9max) fps -33%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
101.35 (101.1min - 101.5max) fps -50%
WinRAR - Result
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
17225 KB/s +11%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
16585 KB/s +6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
16351 KB/s +5%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
16178 KB/s +4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
16108 KB/s +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
15779 KB/s +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
15574 KB/s
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
14836 KB/s -5%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
14819 KB/s -5%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
13778 KB/s -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
13549 KB/s -13%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
12599 KB/s -19%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
12503 KB/s -20%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
11491 KB/s -26%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
10937 KB/s -30%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
10792 KB/s -31%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
10521 KB/s -32%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
7979 KB/s -49%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
7816 KB/s -50%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
6239 KB/s -60%
AES Mean 100MB
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
32.4 GB/s +82%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
30.7 GB/s +72%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
27 GB/s +52%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
26.9 GB/s +51%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
26.9 GB/s +51%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
26.7 GB/s +50%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
19.5 GB/s +10%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
18.8 GB/s +6%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
18.5 GB/s +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
17.8 GB/s
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
16.4 GB/s -8%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
16.1 GB/s -10%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
16 GB/s -10%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
15.3 GB/s -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
14.8 GB/s -17%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
13.4 GB/s -25%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
13.2 GB/s -26%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
12.8 GB/s -28%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
11.8 GB/s -34%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
9.3 GB/s -48%
Twofish Mean 100MB
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
5.8 GB/s +100%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
5.6 GB/s +93%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
5.4 GB/s +86%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
4.9 GB/s +69%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
4.5 GB/s +55%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
4.2 GB/s +45%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
3.7 GB/s +28%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
3.7 GB/s +28%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
3.4 GB/s +17%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
3.1 GB/s +7%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
3 GB/s +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
2.9 GB/s
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
2.8 GB/s -3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
2.8 GB/s -3%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
2.2 GB/s -24%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2.2 GB/s -24%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
2.1 GB/s -28%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
2 GB/s -31%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
1.8 GB/s -38%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
1.4 GB/s -52%
Serpent Mean 100MB
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
3.4 GB/s +100%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
3 GB/s +76%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
2.8 GB/s +65%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
2.8 GB/s +65%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
2.8 GB/s +65%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
2.4 GB/s +41%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
2.3 GB/s +35%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
1.9 GB/s +12%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
1.8 GB/s +6%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
1.7 GB/s 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
1.7 GB/s 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
1.7 GB/s
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
1.5 GB/s -12%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
1.5 GB/s -12%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
1.4 GB/s -18%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
1.3 GB/s -24%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
1.3 GB/s -24%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
1.2 GB/s -29%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
1.1 GB/s -35%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
0.884 GB/s -48%
Geekbench 5.5
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
25867 Points +55%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
25740 Points +55%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
24625 Points +48%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
24343 Points +46%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
24157 Points +45%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
23982 Points +44%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
19987 Points +20%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
17854 Points +7%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
17760 Points +7%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
17516 Points +5%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
16891 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
16651 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
16637 Points
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
14613 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
14252 Points -14%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
12797 Points -23%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
12751 Points -23%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
12107 Points -27%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
11917 Points -28%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
9517 Points -43%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
2559 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2523 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
2507 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
2450 Points
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
2366 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
2311 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
2311 Points -6%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
2290 Points -7%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
2274 Points -7%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
2243 Points -8%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
2224 Points -9%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
2205 Points -10%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
2042 Points -17%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
2027 Points -17%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
2017 Points -18%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
1967 Points -20%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
1904 Points -22%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
1795 Points -27%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
1742 Points -29%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
1682 Points -31%
Geekbench 5.0
5.0 Multi-Core
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
25793 Points +54%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
25459 Points +52%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
24479 Points +46%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
24021 Points +43%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
23720 Points +41%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
23387 Points +39%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
19975 Points +19%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
17959 Points +7%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
17938 Points +7%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
17374 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
16773 Points
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
16635 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
16570 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
14698 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
13888 Points -17%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
12746 Points -24%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
12556 Points -25%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
11880 Points -29%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
11801 Points -30%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
9368 Points -44%
5.0 Single-Core
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
2445 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
2402 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
2397 Points +3%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
2332 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
2316 Points
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
2272 Points -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
2222 Points -4%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
2214 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
2194 Points -5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
2183 Points -6%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
2180 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
2126 Points -8%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
2004 Points -13%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
1968 Points -15%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
1938 Points -16%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
1931 Points -17%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
1821 Points -21%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
1706 Points -26%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
1683 Points -27%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
1673 Points -28%
Geekbench 4.4
64 Bit Single-Core Score
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
10016 Points +5%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
9890 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
9801 Points +3%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
9791 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
9757 Points +2%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
9598 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
9530 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
9322 Points -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
9240 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
9193 Points -4%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
9171 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
9097 Points -5%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
8926 Points -6%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
8904 Points -7%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
8665 Points -9%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
8618 Points -10%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
8223 Points -14%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
7683 Points -19%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
7548 Points -21%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
7216 Points -24%
64 Bit Multi-Core Score
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
100326 Points +43%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
92188 Points +31%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
89678 Points +27%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
89177 Points +27%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
87922 Points +25%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
86695 Points +23%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
74731 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
70343 Points
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
65981 Points -6%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
64035 Points -9%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
63583 Points -10%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
63233 Points -10%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
60407 Points -14%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
59594 Points -15%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
54840 Points -22%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
51644 Points -27%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
47407 Points -33%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
46557 Points -34%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
42509 Points -40%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
35098 Points -50%
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance Physics
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
39622 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
38269 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
36991 Points -7%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
35127 Points -11%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
32273 Points -19%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
32188 Points -19%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
31641 Points -20%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
30757 Points -22%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
30480 Points -23%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
28636 Points -28%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
28618 Points -28%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
28618 Points -28%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
28211 Points -29%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
27022 Points -32%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
25717 Points -35%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
25396 Points -36%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
25367 Points -36%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
25017 Points -37%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
23120 Points -42%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
19436 Points -51%
7-Zip 18.03
7z b 4
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
161724 MIPS +79%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
160423 MIPS +78%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
159341 MIPS +76%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
149570 MIPS +66%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
147068 MIPS +63%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
129542 MIPS +43%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
127792 MIPS +41%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
124975 MIPS +38%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
97671 MIPS +8%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
93235 MIPS +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
90354 MIPS
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
89647 MIPS -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
85067 MIPS -6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
82553 MIPS -9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
77921 MIPS -14%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
69291 MIPS -23%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
68220 MIPS -24%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
64260 MIPS -29%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
59510 MIPS -34%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
45043 MIPS -50%
7z b 4 -mmt1
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
8484 MIPS
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
8365 MIPS -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
8321 MIPS -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
8282 MIPS -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
8235 MIPS -3%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
8063 MIPS -5%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
7894 MIPS -7%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
7852 MIPS -7%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
7796 MIPS -8%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
7772 MIPS -8%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
7288 MIPS -14%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
7272 MIPS -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
6974 MIPS -18%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
6910 MIPS -19%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
6571 MIPS -23%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
6502 MIPS -23%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
6477 MIPS -24%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
5944 MIPS -30%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
5829 MIPS -31%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
5476 MIPS -35%
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2 - 4k Preset
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
45.1 fps +47%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
45 fps +47%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
44.4 fps +45%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
42.8 fps +40%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
42.6 fps +39%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
42.4 fps +39%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
36.2 fps +18%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
31.8 fps +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
30.6 fps
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
30.1 fps -2%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
30 fps -2%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
29.6 fps -3%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
28.6 fps -7%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
27.6 fps -10%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
26.4 fps -14%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
24.4 fps -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
23.2 fps -24%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
21.1 fps -31%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
19.1 fps -38%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
15.2 fps -50%
R Benchmark 2.5 - Overall mean
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
0.4837 sec * -40%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
0.4654 sec * -34%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
0.4556 sec * -32%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
0.4456 sec * -29%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
0.4216 sec * -22%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
0.4152 sec * -20%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
0.4086 sec * -18%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
0.4058 sec * -17%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
0.405 sec * -17%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
0.3937 sec * -14%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
0.3833 sec * -11%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
0.3749 sec * -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
0.3736 sec * -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
0.372 sec * -7%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
0.3682 sec * -6%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
0.3539 sec * -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
0.3461 sec *
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
0.345 sec * -0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
0.3414 sec * +1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
0.3389 sec * +2%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
0.3307 sec * +4%
LibreOffice - 20 Documents To PDF
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
71.8 s * -54%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
46.6 s *
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
46.5 s * -0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
46.4 s * -0%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
45.97 s * +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
45.1 s * +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
43.8 s * +6%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
43.1 s * +8%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
39.3 s * +16%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
40.7 s * +13%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
40.6 s * +13%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
38.7 s * +17%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
38.6 s * +17%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
36.8 s * +21%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
36.6 s * +21%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
36.2 s * +22%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
35.5 s * +24%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
35 s * +25%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
34.9 s * +25%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
32.5 s * +30%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
31.9 s * +32%
WebXPRT 3 - Overall
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
409 Points +16%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
398 Points +13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
383 Points +8%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
382 Points +8%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
377 Points +7%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
371 Points +5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
366 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
364 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
362 Points +3%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
361 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
354 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
353 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
353 Points
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
346 Points -2%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
333 Points -6%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
320 Points -9%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
306 Points -13%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
293 Points -17%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
291 Points -18%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
272 Points -23%
Mozilla Kraken 1.1 - Total
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
573 ms * -43%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
558 ms * -39%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
535 ms * -33%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
511 ms * -27%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
487 ms * -21%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
481 ms * -20%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
469 ms * -17%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
450 ms * -12%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
441 ms * -10%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
437 ms * -9%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
433 ms * -8%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
432 ms * -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
431 ms * -7%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
425 ms * -6%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
418 ms * -4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
401 ms *
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
396 ms * +1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
389 ms * +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
383 ms * +4%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
377 ms * +6%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Physics
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
56087 Points +41%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
53853 Points +35%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
53194 Points +33%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
49522 Points +24%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
44787 Points +12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
42682 Points +7%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
42682 Points +7%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
40164 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
39893 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
39600 Points -1%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
39112 Points -2%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
38202 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
38088 Points -5%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
35386 Points -11%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
33462 Points -16%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
33345 Points -16%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
30691 Points -23%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
29671 Points -26%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
27135 Points -32%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
24023 Points -40%
2560x1440 Time Spy CPU
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
23721 Points +47%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
19392 Points +20%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
18768 Points +16%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
18431 Points +14%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
17911 Points +11%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
17206 Points +6%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
17124 Points +6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
16616 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
16616 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
16159 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
16112 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
15010 Points -7%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
14306 Points -11%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
14098 Points -13%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
13869 Points -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
13650 Points -16%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
12948 Points -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
10821 Points -33%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
10458 Points -35%
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
9745 Points -40%
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M - 1M
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
8.298 s * -4%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
8.033 s * -0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
8.005 s *
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
7.614 s * +5%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
7.54 s * +6%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
7.423 s * +7%
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
7.406 s * +7%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
7.31 s * +9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
7.303 s * +9%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
7.089 s * +11%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
7.065 s * +12%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
7.063 s * +12%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
6.713 s * +16%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
6.58 s * +18%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
6.234 s * +22%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
6.141 s * +23%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
6.109 s * +24%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
6.088 s * +24%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
5.655 s * +29%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
5.476 s * +32%
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 2M - 2M
Intel Core i5-12400F
i5-12400F, 2500 MHz
18.473 s * -8%
Intel Core i5-13400
i5-13400, 2500 MHz
17.963 s * -5%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
R7 9800X3D, 4700 MHz
17.086 s *
Intel Core i5-12600K
i5-12600K, 2800 MHz
16.42 s * +4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
Ryzen 5 9600X, 3900 MHz
16.363 s * +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9700X
Ryzen 7 9700X, 3800 MHz
16.1 s * +6%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
Ultra 5 245K, 3600 MHz
16.026 s * +6%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
R5 7600X, 4700 MHz
15.954 s * +7%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
Ryzen 9 9950X, 4300 MHz
15.61 s * +9%
Intel Core i9-12900K
i9-12900K, 3200 MHz
15.59 s * +9%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
R7 7800X3D, 4200 MHz
15.335 s * +10%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
R9 5950X, 3400 MHz
15.28 s * +11%
Intel Core i5-13600K
i5-13600K, 3500 MHz
14.876 s * +13%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
Ultra 9 285K, 3200 MHz
14.64 s * +14%
Intel Core i5-14600K
i5-14600K, 3500 MHz
13.657 s * +20%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
R9 7950X, 4500 MHz
13.291 s * +22%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
R9 7900X, 4700 MHz
13.251 s * +22%
Intel Core i9-13900K
i9-13900K, 3000 MHz
13.193 s * +23%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
R9 7950X3D, 4200 MHz
13.189 s * +23%
Intel Core i9-14900K
i9-14900K, 3200 MHz
11.996 s * +30%

* ... mindre är bättre

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D under Cinebench Multi-Loop

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D klarade av den kontinuerliga Cinebench R15-loopen utan att drabbas av några synliga prestandaförluster. Belastningstoppar på strax under 126 watt förekom bara under en kort tid. I genomsnitt var cirka 105 watt tillräckligt för processorn under 50 cykler. Belastningstesterna med Cinebench R20 och Cinebench R23 visade på ett liknande stabilt resultat. Processorns strömförbrukning var bara något högre med maximalt 130 watt. Vi noterade inga temperaturproblem vid någon tidpunkt.

CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R15-loopen
CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R15-loopen
CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R20-loopen
CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R20-loopen
CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R23-loopen
CPU-mätvärden under Cinebench R23-loopen
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D R7 9800X3D: Ø3592 (3442.34-3617.29)
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D R7 7800X3D: Ø2967 (2917.15-3006.39)
Palit GeForce RTX 4090 GameRock OC i9-14900K: Ø6068 (5924.17-6110.6)
Intel Core i5-14600K i5-14600K: Ø3640 (3622.86-3654.64)
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X Ryzen 5 9600X: Ø2623 (2586.99-2654.28)
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K Ultra 5 245K: Ø3788 (3746.72-3821.53)

Syntetiska benchmarks och applikationsprestanda

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D presterar lysande under daglig användning. Prestandan hos alla processorer som listas i jämförelsen är dock så hög att praktiskt taget ingen modell faller offer för några större misstag. I alla tester är AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D's prestanda överträffades. Trots detta skiljde det bara några få procentenheter mellan de två konkurrenterna, vilket innebär att AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D tyvärr inte kan ge någon märkbar prestandavinst.

PCMark 10 - Score
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
10699 Points +7%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
10443 Points +4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
10101 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
10060 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
10007 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
9911 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
9911 Points -1%
Intel Core i9-13900K
9788 Points -2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
9587 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
9500 Points -5%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
9470 Points -5%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
9409 Points -6%
Intel Core i5-13600K
9362 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
8778 Points -12%
Intel Core i5-13400
8614 Points -14%
Intel Core i9-12900K
8604 Points -14%
Intel Core i5-12600K
8259 Points -17%
Intel Core i5-12400F
7756 Points -22%
CrossMark - Overall
Intel Core i9-14900K
2611 Points +11%
Intel Core i9-13900K
2589 Points +10%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
2533 Points +8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
2512 Points +7%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
2451 Points +4%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
2405 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
2347 Points
Intel Core i5-14600K
2310 Points -2%
Intel Core i5-13600K
2271 Points -3%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
2245 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
2236 Points -5%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
2216 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
2193 Points -7%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
2103 Points -10%
Intel Core i5-13400
1877 Points -20%
Intel Core i5-12400F
1762 Points -25%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
1495 Points -36%
v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Intel Core i5-12400F
269 Seconds * -96%
Intel Core i5-13400
206 Seconds * -50%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
203 Seconds * -48%
Intel Core i5-12600K
189.5 Seconds * -38%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
184 Seconds * -34%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
169 Seconds * -23%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
137 Seconds *
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
136 Seconds * +1%
Intel Core i5-13600K
135 Seconds * +1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
134 Seconds * +2%
Intel Core i9-12900K
121.1 Seconds * +12%
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
112.8 Seconds * +18%
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
106 Seconds * +23%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
86 Seconds * +37%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
85 Seconds * +38%
Intel Core i9-13900K
80 Seconds * +42%
Intel Core i9-14900K
80 Seconds * +42%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
79 Seconds * +42%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
77 Seconds * +44%
v3.3 Classroom CPU
Intel Core i5-12400F
430 Seconds * -111%
Intel Core i5-13400
336 Seconds * -65%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
289 Seconds * -42%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
266 Seconds * -30%
Intel Core i5-13600K
224 Seconds * -10%
Intel Core i5-14600K
223 Seconds * -9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
216 Seconds * -6%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
204 Seconds *
Intel Core i9-13900K
138 Seconds * +32%
Intel Core i9-14900K
135 Seconds * +34%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
133 Seconds * +35%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
124 Seconds * +39%
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
118 Seconds * +42%

* ... mindre är bättre

Performance Rating - Percent
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
98.5 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
97.6 pt
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
96.6 pt
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
95.9 pt
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
95.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
94.8 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
94.8 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
94.7 pt
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
94.4 pt
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
90.8 pt
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
90.7 pt
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
90.5 pt
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
88.5 pt
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
114641 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
114294 Points
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
110994 Points -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
107723 Points -6%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
107060 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
105886 Points -7%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
105473 Points -8%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
104998 Points -8%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
104876 Points -8%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
104781 Points -8%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
104598 Points -8%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
104516 Points -9%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
97005 Points -15%
2560x1440 Time Spy Graphics
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37769 Points +2%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37762 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37664 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37161 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37130 Points
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37109 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37106 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
36836 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
36813 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
36665 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
36172 Points -3%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34580 Points -7%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33624 Points -9%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
86031 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
85646 Points
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
79398 Points -7%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
79091 Points -8%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
78878 Points -8%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
78579 Points -8%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
78079 Points -9%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
77224 Points -10%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
73447 Points -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
72901 Points -15%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
72678 Points -15%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
70971 Points -17%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
55924 Points -35%
3840x2160 Fire Strike Ultra Graphics
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25571 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25342 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25254 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25209 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25187 Points +1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25088 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25054 Points
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25052 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
25018 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
24969 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
24915 Points -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
24669 Points -2%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
24376 Points -3%
Unigine Superposition
1280x720 720p Low
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
64942 Points
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
63603 Points -2%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
57174 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
56805 Points -13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
51741 Points -20%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
51443 Points -21%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
50990 Points -21%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
50107 Points -23%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
49203 Points -24%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
44723 Points -31%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
40758 Points -37%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
40122 Points -38%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
35207 Points -46%
1920x1080 1080p High
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
52446 Points
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
50399 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
50230 Points -4%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
49328 Points -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
46814 Points -11%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
46385 Points -12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
46052 Points -12%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
45368 Points -13%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
45162 Points -14%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
41496 Points -21%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
37819 Points -28%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
36786 Points -30%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
32711 Points -38%
1920x1080 1080p Extreme
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22618 Points +4%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22319 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21954 Points 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21920 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21913 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21845 Points
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21824 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21808 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21744 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21706 Points -1%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21646 Points -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21615 Points -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
21586 Points -1%
3840x2160 4k Optimized
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33943 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33885 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33883 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33765 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33719 Points +1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33700 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33601 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33512 Points
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33095 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33051 Points -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
32608 Points -3%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
32169 Points -4%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
30877 Points -8%
7680x4320 8k Optimized
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13105 Points +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13082 Points +3%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13081 Points +3%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13078 Points +3%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13070 Points +3%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
13011 Points +2%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12845 Points +1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12791 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12770 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12738 Points
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12714 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12705 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
12498 Points -2%
Unigine Valley 1.0
1920x1080 Extreme HD DirectX AA:x8
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
324 fps +5%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
308.8 fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
305.2 fps -1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
283.4 fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
277.2 fps -10%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
273.9 fps -11%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
270.7 fps -12%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
266.6 fps -14%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
264 fps -15%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
246.7 fps -20%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
246.6 fps -20%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
238.4 fps -23%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
226.2 fps -27%
1920x1080 Extreme HD Preset OpenGL AA:x8
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
331.8 fps +4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
322.2 fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
317.9 fps
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
305.7 fps -4%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
303.2 fps -5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
295.4 fps -7%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
293.1 fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
288 fps -9%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
278.9 fps -12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
260.9 fps -18%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
259.8 fps -18%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
258.5 fps -19%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
242.8 fps -24%
Unigine Heaven 4.0
Extreme Preset OpenGL
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
476.1 fps
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
472.4 fps -1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
465.1 fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
458.2 fps -4%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
456.9 fps -4%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
456.3 fps -4%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
450.4 fps -5%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
450.4 fps -5%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
447.7 fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
442.4 fps -7%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
433.8 fps -9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
433.8 fps -9%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
420 fps -12%
Extreme Preset DX11
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
492.5 fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
491.5 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
489.5 fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
483.7 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
473.9 fps -3%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
473.8 fps -3%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
473 fps -3%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
463.8 fps -5%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
462.5 fps -6%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
462.4 fps -6%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
440.5 fps -10%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
435.2 fps -11%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
416.6 fps -15%
ComputeMark v2.1
1024x600 Normal, Score
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
92397 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
92222 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
92171 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
92026 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
92009 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91838 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91703 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91665 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91659 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91616 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
91531 Points
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
90932 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
90595 Points -1%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 3DTex
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10875 Points +3%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10805 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10797 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10778 Points +2%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10759 Points +2%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10756 Points +2%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10756 Points +2%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10749 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10724 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10715 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10592 Points
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10584 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
10396 Points -2%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 2DTexArr
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6948 Points 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6940 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6920 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6917 Points
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6914 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6895 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6892 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6891 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6891 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6891 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6887 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6887 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
6879 Points -1%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Vector
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17355 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17336 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17307 Points 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17302 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17301 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17280 Points
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17250 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17212 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17207 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17196 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17156 Points -1%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17154 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
17075 Points -1%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Scalar
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22992 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22976 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22926 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22889 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22862 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22843 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22834 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22834 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22825 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22813 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22799 Points
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22542 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
22528 Points -1%
1024x600 Normal, QJuliaRayTrace
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34367 Points +1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34333 Points +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34332 Points +1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34178 Points +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34092 Points 0%
Intel Core i5-13400
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34057 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34038 Points 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
34033 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33943 Points
Intel Core i7-13700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33935 Points 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33822 Points 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33724 Points -1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
33713 Points -1%

Latens från kärna till kärna

Vi använde MicrobenchX för att testa latensen mellan de enskilda kärnorna. I genomsnitt var latensen mellan de fysiska beräkningsenheterna 23,3 ns. Fördelen med den enda CCD:n kom till sin rätt i det här scenariot, vilket resulterade i genomgående bra värden. Vi avaktiverade SMT (simultaneous multithreading) för det här testet.

Core 0Core 1Core 2Core 3Core 4Core 5Core 6Core 7
Core 024.324.824.522.52325.324.5
Core 124.324.522.322.82223.820.3
Core 224.824.521.822.520.822.324.8
Core 324.522.321.822.323.521.823.5
Core 422.522.822.522.322.82524.8
Core 5232220.823.522.82424.8
Core 625.323.822.321.8252422.3
Core 724.520.324.823.524.824.822.3
, avg: 23.3 ns (20.3 ns - 25.3 ns)
CPU Core Latency - ---
Intel NUC 12, NUC12SNKi72_Serpent Canyon
A770M, i7-12700H, Kingston Fury Renegade SFYRS500G
42.1 (28.5min - 71.5max) ns +81%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, R7 9800X3D, Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
23.3 (20.3min - 25.3max) ns

Benchmarks för spel - 8 kärnor räcker för de senaste spelen

Nu kommer vi till den disciplin där AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D känner sig mest hemma. AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D fick stora poäng med sin imponerande spelprestanda. Inte ens en Intel Core i9-14900K kunde leva upp till den tidigare topphunden. AMD har höjt ribban ännu högre med sin Ryzen 7 9800X3D, även om skillnaden i direkt jämförelse med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D är på den lilla sidan. Som alltid beror det på de enskilda spelen, som ibland drar nytta av den nya Zen 5-arkitekturen och de tillhörande förbättringarna på olika sätt. AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D levererar för närvarande den bästa spelprestandan på marknaden. Om vi tittar närmare på CPU-gränsresultaten kan AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D skryta med en genomsnittlig prestandaökning på 14 procent jämfört med en Intel Core i9-14900K. Jämfört med en Intel Core Ultra 9 285K lyckades AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D till och med få en ledning på 40 procentenheter.

I den andra jämförelsevyn ställde vi alla processorer mot varandra vid 2 160 p med maximala detaljer. Prestandafördelen för AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D krympte avsevärt, även om det fortfarande räckte för att säkra förstaplatsen. AMD erbjuder fortfarande den bästa spelprestandan med sin AM5-plattform i kombination med Nvidia RTX 4090. AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D ersattes omedelbart som den bästa spelprocessorn av AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D. Trots detta är AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D fortfarande en av de bästa processorerna när det gäller gaming.

Performance comparison CPU limit

Performance Rating - Percent
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
98.4 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
94.4 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
87.3 pt
Intel Core i9-14900K
86.6 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
83.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
81.6 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
80.2 pt
Intel Core i9-13900K
80 pt
Intel Core i5-14600K
75.9 pt
Intel Core i7-13700K
74.1 pt
Intel Core i7-13700
73.4 pt
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
70.2 pt
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
63.5 pt
Intel Core i7-12700
63.1 pt
Intel Core i5-13400
55.2 pt
Intel Core i5-12400F
54.1 pt
F1 22 - 1920x1080 Low Preset AA:T AF:16x
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
551 (407min, 317P1 - 630max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
533 (380min, 288P1 - 637max) fps -3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
475 (338min, 264P1 - 542max) fps -14%
Intel Core i9-14900K
462 (309min, 256P1 - 558max) fps -16%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
443 (278min, 245P1 - 521max) fps -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
439 (256min, 238P1 - 510max) fps -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
417 (281min, 236P1 - 488max) fps -24%
Intel Core i9-13900K
401 (265min, 222P1 - 463max) fps -27%
Intel Core i7-13700K
380 (280min, 217P1 - 437max) fps -31%
Intel Core i5-14600K
379 (280min, 225P1 - 455max) fps -31%
Intel Core i7-13700
378 (244min, 212P1 - 430max) fps -31%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
354 (237min, 199P1 - 414max) fps -36%
Intel Core i7-12700
313 (235min, 185P1 - 364max) fps -43%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
311 (242min, 180P1 - 346max) fps -44%
Intel Core i5-12400F
271 (200min, 165P1 - 305max) fps -51%
Intel Core i5-13400
249 (197min, 152P1 - 284max) fps -55%
Far Cry 5 - 1280x720 Low Preset AA:T
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
375 (233min - 492max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
344 (220min - 464max) fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
299 (201min - 390max) fps -20%
Intel Core i9-14900K
280 (214min - 355max) fps -25%
Intel Core i9-13900K
270 (203min - 349max) fps -28%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
263 (201min - 342max) fps -30%
Intel Core i5-14600K
255 (199min - 343max) fps -32%
Intel Core i7-13700K
242 (183min - 317max) fps -35%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
241 (180min - 334max) fps -36%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
238 (182min - 313max) fps -37%
Intel Core i7-13700
232 (161min - 306max) fps -38%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
213 (169min - 274max) fps -43%
Intel Core i7-12700
204 (156min - 270max) fps -46%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
204 (149min - 271max) fps -46%
Intel Core i5-13400
185 (144min - 241max) fps -51%
Intel Core i5-12400F
173 (124min - 232max) fps -54%
X-Plane 11.11 - 1280x720 low (fps_test=1)
Intel Core i9-13900K
245 fps +23%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
245 fps +23%
Intel Core i9-14900K
244 fps +22%
Intel Core i5-14600K
228 fps +14%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
225 fps +13%
Intel Core i7-13700K
224 fps +12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
223 fps +12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
219 fps +10%
Intel Core i7-13700
218 fps +9%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
217 fps +9%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
199.4 fps
Intel Core i7-12700
181.4 fps -9%
Intel Core i5-13400
155.7 fps -22%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
143.4 fps -28%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
129.1 fps -35%
Intel Core i5-12400F
113 fps -43%
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark - 1280x720 Lite Quality
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
237 fps +1%
Intel Core i9-13900K
236 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
236 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
236 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
236 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
236 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
236 fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
236 fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
236 fps 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
235 fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
235 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
235 fps
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
234 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
232 fps -1%
Intel Core i5-12400F
217 fps -8%
Intel Core i5-13400
217 fps -8%
Dota 2 Reborn - 1280x720 min (0/3) fastest
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
368.7 (303min) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
322.9 (268min) fps -12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
314.1 (261.7min) fps -15%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
310.6 (261.3min) fps -16%
Intel Core i9-14900K
299.9 (248.4min) fps -19%
Intel Core i9-13900K
294 (254.9min) fps -20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
291 (244.2min) fps -21%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
278.1 (211.4min) fps -25%
Intel Core i5-14600K
261.5 (226.3min) fps -29%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
252.4 (219.5min) fps -32%
Intel Core i7-13700K
251.2 (215.9min) fps -32%
Intel Core i7-13700
245 (213.8min) fps -34%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
213.7 (189.8min) fps -42%
Intel Core i7-12700
202.4 (178min) fps -45%
Intel Core i5-12400F
182.1 (159.5min) fps -51%
Intel Core i5-13400
182.1 (160.5min) fps -51%
The Witcher 3 - 1024x768 Low Graphics & Postprocessing
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
882 (30.2min, 308P0.1, 642P1 - 1554max) fps
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
864.7 fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
858.4 fps -3%
Intel Core i9-14900K
829 (31.9min, 380P0.1, 595P1 - 1296max) fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
826 (23.6min, 360P0.1, 574P1 - 1357max) fps -6%
Intel Core i9-13900K
794 (25.1min, 361P0.1, 581P1 - 1267max) fps -10%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
762 (66min, 266P0.1, 520P1 - 1355max) fps -14%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
738 fps -16%
Intel Core i7-13700K
687.5 fps -22%
Intel Core i7-13700
670.4 fps -24%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
663 (87.9min, 319P0.1, 454P1 - 1115max) fps -25%
Intel Core i5-14600K
632 (29.4min, 209P0.1, 471P1 - 1028max) fps -28%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
536 (23.7min, 212P0.1, 371P1 - 944max) fps -39%
Intel Core i7-12700
522 fps -41%
Intel Core i5-13400
451.7 fps -49%
Intel Core i5-12400F
414 fps -53%
GTA V - 1024x768 Lowest Settings possible
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
188.5 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
188.2 (5.44min, 200P1 - 724max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
188.1 (3min, 200P1 - 713max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
188 (3.25min, 200P1 - 705max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
187.9 (7.22min, 200P1 - 815max) fps 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
187.9 (3.8min, 200P1 - 705max) fps 0%
Intel Core i9-13900K
187.8 (2.26min, 200P1 - 688max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
187.8 (4.04min, 200P1 - 669max) fps
Intel Core i7-13700
187.7 (5.01min, 200P1 - 613max) fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
187.7 (4.67min, 200P1 - 640max) fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
187.7 (4.11min, 200P1 - 547max) fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
187.7 (4.29min, 200P1 - 567max) fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
187.6 (3.74min, 200P1 - 607max) fps 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
187.1 (2.4min, 200P1 - 499max) fps 0%
Intel Core i5-13400
186.8 (1.87min, 166.7P1 - 445max) fps -1%
Intel Core i5-12400F
186.4 (2.09min, 166.7P1 - 413max) fps -1%
Borderlands 3 - 1280x720 Very Low Overall Quality (DX11)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
325 fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
310 fps -5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
308 fps -5%
Intel Core i9-14900K
263 fps -19%
Intel Core i9-13900K
243 fps -25%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
242 fps -26%
Intel Core i5-14600K
237 fps -27%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
228 fps -30%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
228 fps -30%
Intel Core i7-13700
222 fps -32%
Intel Core i7-13700K
222 fps -32%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
196.6 fps -40%
Intel Core i7-12700
185.6 fps -43%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
172.1 fps -47%
Intel Core i5-13400
169 fps -48%
Intel Core i5-12400F
155 fps -52%
Far Cry New Dawn - 1280x720 Low Preset
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
332 (222min - 481max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
291 (218min - 442max) fps -12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
255 (145min - 381max) fps -23%
Intel Core i9-14900K
235 (156min - 353max) fps -29%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
226 (163min - 362max) fps -32%
Intel Core i9-13900K
222 (150min - 335max) fps -33%
Intel Core i5-14600K
216 (168min - 312max) fps -35%
Intel Core i7-13700
203 (144min - 297max) fps -39%
Intel Core i7-13700K
203 (157min - 304max) fps -39%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
200 (140min - 302max) fps -40%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
199 (140min - 316max) fps -40%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
184 (140min - 275max) fps -45%
Intel Core i7-12700
174 (103min - 253max) fps -48%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
163 (122min - 246max) fps -51%
Intel Core i5-13400
159 (110min - 233max) fps -52%
Intel Core i5-12400F
147 (102min - 216max) fps -56%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 1280x720 Lowest Preset
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
409 fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
407 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
383 fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
332 fps -19%
Intel Core i9-14900K
332 fps -19%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
321 fps -22%
Intel Core i9-13900K
320 fps -22%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
319 fps -22%
Intel Core i5-14600K
281 fps -31%
Intel Core i7-13700
272 fps -33%
Intel Core i7-13700K
272 fps -33%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
263 fps -36%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
246 fps -40%
Intel Core i7-12700
231 fps -44%
Intel Core i5-13400
204 fps -50%
Intel Core i5-12400F
196.4 fps -52%
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - 1920x1080 Low Preset (DX12)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
578 fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
506 fps -12%
Intel Core i9-14900K
502 fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
477 fps -17%
Intel Core i5-14600K
429 fps -26%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
428 fps -26%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
415 fps -28%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
411 fps -29%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
403 fps -30%
Intel Core i9-13900K
398 fps -31%
Intel Core i7-13700
378 fps -35%
Intel Core i7-13700K
371 fps -36%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
363 fps -37%
Intel Core i7-12700
303 fps -48%
Intel Core i5-13400
275 fps -52%
Intel Core i5-12400F
258 fps -55%
Strange Brigade - 1280x720 lowest AF:1
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
780 (275min, 597P1 - 1128max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
776 (169.6min, 623P1 - 1082max) fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
762 (261min, 605P1 - 1027max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
760 (257min, 602P1 - 1084max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
735 (154.9min, 595P1 - 998max) fps -5%
Intel Core i5-14600K
717 (186min, 554P1 - 1036max) fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
698 (182.7min, 569P1 - 937max) fps -10%
Intel Core i9-13900K
691 (60.2min, 543P1 - 929max) fps -11%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
681 (43.7min, 531P1 - 898max) fps -12%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
672 (259min, 529P1 - 894max) fps -13%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
661 (248min, 487P1 - 949max) fps -15%
Intel Core i7-13700K
646 (277min, 510P1 - 858max) fps -17%
Intel Core i7-13700
626 (284min, 497P1 - 830max) fps -19%
Intel Core i7-12700
523 (243min, 410P1 - 698max) fps -33%
Intel Core i5-12400F
444 (33.1min, 345P1 - 648max) fps -43%
Intel Core i5-13400
408 (153.5min, 319P1 - 565max) fps -47%
Metro Exodus - 1280x720 Low Quality AF:4x
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
433 (234.19min - 674.31max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
374 (214.41min - 571.76max) fps -14%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
349 (182.25min - 551.57max) fps -19%
Intel Core i9-14900K
319 (166.53min - 527.7max) fps -26%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
309 (157.23min - 500.25max) fps -29%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
300 (162.95min - 476.42max) fps -31%
Intel Core i5-14600K
296 (170.68min - 455.17max) fps -32%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
293 (157.18min - 462.11max) fps -32%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
276 (133.01min - 479.85max) fps -36%
Intel Core i7-13700
268 (127.73min - 445.04max) fps -38%
Intel Core i9-13900K
261 (116.81min - 454.13max) fps -40%
Intel Core i7-13700K
261 (117.16min - 442.09max) fps -40%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
256 (135.37min - 427.35max) fps -41%
Intel Core i7-12700
233 (124.52min - 364.56max) fps -46%
Intel Core i5-12400F
203 (112.65min - 299.76max) fps -53%
Intel Core i5-13400
196.9 (110.05min - 286.04max) fps -55%
F1 2020 - 1280x720 Ultra Low Preset
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
687 (546min - 750max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
681 (531min - 769max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
630 (468min - 710max) fps -8%
Intel Core i9-14900K
598 (473min - 679max) fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
594 (461min - 653max) fps -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
563 (437min - 628max) fps -18%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
559 (420min - 634max) fps -19%
Intel Core i9-13900K
526 (418min - 596max) fps -23%
Intel Core i7-13700K
465 (325min - 539max) fps -32%
Intel Core i7-13700
461 (323min - 528max) fps -33%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
454 (355min - 499max) fps -34%
Intel Core i5-14600K
403 (333min - 436max) fps -41%
Intel Core i7-12700
388 (314min - 434max) fps -44%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
384 (313min - 422max) fps -44%
Intel Core i5-12400F
322 (266min - 345max) fps -53%
Intel Core i5-13400
292 (253min - 317max) fps -57%
F1 2021 - 1280x720 Ultra Low Preset
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
830 (632min, 515P1 - 919max) fps +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
797 (624min, 486P1 - 869max) fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
733 (560min, 450P1 - 806max) fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
690 (453min, 397P1 - 783max) fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
682 (522min, 418P1 - 767max) fps -14%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
677 (504min, 418P1 - 754max) fps -15%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
669 (451min, 412P1 - 741max) fps -16%
Intel Core i9-13900K
599 (469min, 379P1 - 653max) fps -25%
Intel Core i7-13700K
588 (466min, 371P1 - 639max) fps -26%
Intel Core i7-13700
572 (447min, 359P1 - 620max) fps -28%
Intel Core i5-14600K
562 (468min, 364P1 - 618max) fps -29%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
527 (401min, 329P1 - 583max) fps -34%
Intel Core i7-12700
448 (363min, 297P1 - 477max) fps -44%
Intel Core i5-12400F
393 (309min, 274P1 - 416max) fps -51%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
386 (318min, 250P1 - 422max) fps -52%
Intel Core i5-13400
337 (277min, 237P1 - 358max) fps -58%

Performance comparison GPU limit

Performance Rating - Percent
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
98.3 pt
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
97.2 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
95.6 pt
Intel Core i9-14900K
95.2 pt
Intel Core i5-14600K
93.2 pt
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
92.6 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
92.5 pt
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
92.3 pt
Intel Core i9-13900K
92 pt
Intel Core i7-13700K
91.4 pt
Intel Core i7-13700
90.6 pt
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
89.2 pt
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
86.9 pt
Intel Core i7-12700
86.5 pt
Intel Core i5-13400
82.3 pt
Intel Core i5-12400F
79.6 pt
F1 22 - 3840x2160 Ultra High Preset AA:T AF:16x
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
86.6 (74min, 73P1 - 101max) fps
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
86.2 (74min, 70P1 - 101max) fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
85.5 (74min, 69P1 - 98max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
85 (73min, 72P1 - 99max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
84.5 (72min, 71P1 - 97max) fps -2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
83.5 (72min, 71P1 - 96max) fps -4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
83.4 (72min, 71P1 - 96max) fps -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
83 (72min, 71P1 - 95max) fps -4%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
82.5 (72min, 71P1 - 96max) fps -5%
Intel Core i7-13700K
82.4 (72min, 71P1 - 95max) fps -5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
82.3 (71min, 70P1 - 94max) fps -5%
Intel Core i5-12400F
81.7 (71min, 70P1 - 95max) fps -6%
Intel Core i7-13700
81.6 (71min, 70P1 - 93max) fps -6%
Intel Core i7-12700
81.3 (71min, 68P1 - 93max) fps -6%
Intel Core i5-13400
81.2 (72min, 67P1 - 93max) fps -6%
Intel Core i9-13900K
81.1 (71min, 70P1 - 93max) fps -6%
Far Cry 5 - 3840x2160 Ultra Preset AA:T
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
187 (166min - 215max) fps +2%
Intel Core i9-14900K
187 (168min - 216max) fps +2%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
183 (165min - 209max) fps
Intel Core i9-13900K
182 (148min - 212max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
182 (157min - 212max) fps -1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
181 (151min - 215max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
175 (140min - 212max) fps -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
173 (142min - 209max) fps -5%
Intel Core i7-13700K
172 (137min - 206max) fps -6%
Intel Core i7-13700
171 (140min - 207max) fps -7%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
170 (136min - 198max) fps -7%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
158 (125min - 209max) fps -14%
Intel Core i7-12700
153 (117min - 203max) fps -16%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
153 (117min - 210max) fps -16%
Intel Core i5-13400
142 (108min - 190max) fps -22%
Intel Core i5-12400F
131 (97min - 177max) fps -28%
X-Plane 11.11 - 3840x2160 high (fps_test=3)
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
160.5 fps +6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
158.4 fps +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
152 fps
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
136.6 fps -10%
Intel Core i9-14900K
136.3 fps -10%
Intel Core i9-13900K
132.3 fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
125.8 fps -17%
Intel Core i5-14600K
124.6 fps -18%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
124.5 fps -18%
Intel Core i7-13700K
121.8 fps -20%
Intel Core i7-13700
119.3 fps -22%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
105.8 fps -30%
Intel Core i7-12700
105.4 fps -31%
Intel Core i5-13400
95 fps -37%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
93.4 fps -39%
Intel Core i5-12400F
77 fps -49%
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark - 3840x2160 High Quality
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
162.3 fps +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
161.9 fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
161.7 fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
161.5 fps 0%
Intel Core i9-13900K
161.3 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
161.1 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
161.1 fps
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
159.2 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
158.2 fps -2%
Intel Core i7-13700
157.9 fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
157.6 fps -2%
Intel Core i7-13700K
155.9 fps -3%
Intel Core i7-12700
153.4 fps -5%
Intel Core i5-12400F
151.9 fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
150.9 fps -6%
Intel Core i5-13400
149.8 fps -7%
Dota 2 Reborn - 3840x2160 ultra (3/3) best looking
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
298.4 (236.3min) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
258.2 (201.3min) fps -13%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
245.4 (195.9min) fps -18%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
234.4 (192.2min) fps -21%
Intel Core i9-13900K
230 (185.3min) fps -23%
Intel Core i9-14900K
227.8 (188.3min) fps -24%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
225 (189.1min) fps -25%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
223.4 (185.4min) fps -25%
Intel Core i5-14600K
211.5 (179.5min) fps -29%
Intel Core i7-13700K
200.2 (165.5min) fps -33%
Intel Core i7-13700
196.8 (166.7min) fps -34%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
193.6 (162.4min) fps -35%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
168 (143.3min) fps -44%
Intel Core i7-12700
163.7 (141.2min) fps -45%
Intel Core i5-12400F
150.3 (129.4min) fps -50%
Intel Core i5-13400
149.8 (129.3min) fps -50%
The Witcher 3 - 3840x2160 High Graphics & Postprocessing (Nvidia HairWorks Off)
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
294 fps +4%
Intel Core i9-14900K
293 (121.6min, 193.2P0.1, 243P1 - 865max) fps +4%
Intel Core i5-14600K
288 (85.6min, 166.1P0.1, 233P1 - 721max) fps +2%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
286 (152.2min, 226P0.1, 257P1 - 596max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
284 (88.3min, 166.6P0.1, 240P1 - 831max) fps +1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
284 (132.6min, 215P0.1, 256P1 - 516max) fps +1%
Intel Core i5-13400
282.2 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
282.1 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-12700
282 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
282 (147.6min, 226P0.1, 253P1 - 751max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
281 fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
278.9 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
277 (20.2min, 154.7P0.1, 219P1 - 925max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
275.2 fps -2%
Intel Core i5-12400F
254 fps -10%
Intel Core i9-13900K
239 (103.3min, 154P0.1, 203P1 - 639max) fps -15%
GTA V - 3840x2160 High/On (Advanced Graphics Off) AA:FX AF:8x
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
188 (2.69min, 200P1 - 698max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
187.7 (4.85min, 200P1 - 597max) fps 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
187.6 (4.19min, 200P1 - 613max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
187.6 (3.92min, 200P1 - 615max) fps
Intel Core i9-13900K
187.5 (3.71min, 200P1 - 553max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
187.5 (2.97min, 200P1 - 593max) fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700K
187.5 (6.22min, 200P1 - 502max) fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
187.4 (5.2min, 200P1 - 502max) fps 0%
Intel Core i7-13700
187.2 (1.451min, 200P1 - 464max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
186.5 (2.19min, 166.7P1 - 524max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
186.5 (2.67min, 166.7P1 - 575max) fps -1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
186 (2.01min, 166.7P1 - 464max) fps -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
183.7 (2.01min, 125P1 - 443max) fps -2%
Intel Core i7-12700
182 (2.29min, 142.9P1 - 460max) fps -3%
Intel Core i5-13400
178.2 (2.26min, 125P1 - 359max) fps -5%
Intel Core i5-12400F
175.6 (3.48min, 125P1 - 323max) fps -6%
Borderlands 3 - 3840x2160 Badass Overall Quality (DX11)
Intel Core i7-13700K
143.4 fps +4%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
138.5 fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
137.9 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
137.4 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
136.4 fps -2%
Intel Core i5-14600K
136.1 fps -2%
Intel Core i9-13900K
135.5 fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
135 fps -3%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
133.4 fps -4%
Intel Core i7-13700
132.4 fps -4%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
131.8 fps -5%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
128.6 fps -7%
Intel Core i7-12700
125.5 fps -9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
124 fps -10%
Intel Core i5-13400
120.5 fps -13%
Intel Core i5-12400F
114.4 fps -17%
Far Cry New Dawn - 3840x2160 Ultra Preset
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
183 (144min - 214max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
180 (147min - 219max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
171 (130min - 219max) fps -7%
Intel Core i9-14900K
161 (122min - 221max) fps -12%
Intel Core i9-13900K
154 (113min - 219max) fps -16%
Intel Core i5-14600K
153 (115min - 219max) fps -16%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
148 (110min - 200max) fps -19%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
145 (104min - 215max) fps -21%
Intel Core i7-13700
145 (106min - 212max) fps -21%
Intel Core i7-13700K
145 (109min - 213max) fps -21%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
142 (99min - 212max) fps -22%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
130 (90min - 200max) fps -29%
Intel Core i7-12700
127 (92min - 198max) fps -31%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
120 (85min - 198max) fps -34%
Intel Core i5-13400
119 (88min - 182max) fps -35%
Intel Core i5-12400F
110 (79min - 170max) fps -40%
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - 3840x2160 Badass Preset (DX12)
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
132.6 fps +1%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
132.6 fps +1%
Intel Core i9-14900K
131.7 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
131.3 fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
131.1 fps
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
130.6 fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
130.4 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
130.3 fps -1%
Intel Core i7-13700
130.2 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
130 fps -1%
Intel Core i9-13900K
129.8 fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
129.8 fps -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
129.7 fps -1%
Intel Core i5-13400
129.7 fps -1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
129.6 fps -1%
Intel Core i5-12400F
114.2 fps -13%
Strange Brigade - 3840x2160 ultra AA:ultra AF:16
Intel Core i9-14900K
291 (120min, 249P1 - 467max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
289 (119.3min, 246P1 - 463max) fps 0%
Intel Core i5-14600K
289 (243min, 249P1 - 426max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
289 (238min, 246P1 - 408max) fps
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
288 (214min, 245P1 - 410max) fps 0%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
286 (37.1min, 244P1 - 520max) fps -1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
285 (59.9min, 241P1 - 552max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
285 (53.2min, 243P1 - 469max) fps -1%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
285 (195.3min, 242P1 - 410max) fps -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
284 (44.1min, 236P1 - 407max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
283 (39.7min, 242P1 - 668max) fps -2%
Intel Core i7-13700
282 (28.1min, 238P1 - 533max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
281 (31.7min, 239P1 - 482max) fps -3%
Intel Core i5-12400F
281 (59.7min, 240P1 - 421max) fps -3%
Intel Core i9-13900K
279 (59.9min, 239P1 - 532max) fps -3%
Intel Core i5-13400
278 (59.8min, 227P1 - 408max) fps -4%
Metro Exodus - 3840x2160 Ultra Quality AF:16x
Intel Core i9-14900K
143.4 (84.04min - 227.17max) fps +6%
Intel Core i5-14600K
142.1 (81.45min - 230.73max) fps +5%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
141.6 (85.41min - 213.31max) fps +5%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
139.7 (76.95min - 229.15max) fps +3%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
139.4 (76.47min - 227.32max) fps +3%
Intel Core i9-13900K
138.6 (76.78min - 237.3max) fps +3%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
138 (71.03min - 235.4max) fps +2%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
137 (71.99min - 228.62max) fps +1%
Intel Core i7-13700
136.9 (71.43min - 234.36max) fps +1%
Intel Core i7-13700K
136.9 (72.87min - 233.59max) fps +1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
135 (79.78min - 194.59max) fps
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
134.7 (69.85min - 225.07max) fps 0%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
134 (68.14min - 237.76max) fps -1%
Intel Core i7-12700
132.4 (68.05min - 211.86max) fps -2%
Intel Core i5-13400
126.7 (68.66min - 196.97max) fps -6%
Intel Core i5-12400F
124.1 (74min - 188.01max) fps -8%
F1 2020 - 3840x2160 Ultra High Preset AA:T AF:16x
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
292 (243min - 326max) fps
Intel Core i9-14900K
289 (237min - 340max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
288 (242min - 339max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
288 (242min - 333max) fps -1%
Intel Core i5-14600K
288 (242min - 338max) fps -1%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
287 (243min - 337max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
286 (245min - 335max) fps -2%
Intel Core i9-13900K
285 (240min - 333max) fps -2%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
285 (241min - 333max) fps -2%
Intel Core i7-13700K
284 (242min - 329max) fps -3%
Intel Core i7-13700
283 (240min - 332max) fps -3%
Intel Core i7-12700
275 (197min - 319max) fps -6%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
273 (236min - 319max) fps -7%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
270 (233min - 318max) fps -8%
Intel Core i5-12400F
247 (202min - 285max) fps -15%
Intel Core i5-13400
229 (184min - 265max) fps -22%
F1 2021 - 3840x2160 Ultra High Preset + Raytracing AA:T AF:16x
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
217 (184min, 175P1 - 242max) fps
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
207 (179min, 176P1 - 230max) fps -5%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
205 (176min, 168P1 - 232max) fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
203 (173min, 170P1 - 228max) fps -6%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
203 (169min, 169P1 - 225max) fps -6%
Intel Core i9-14900K
203 (173min, 165P1 - 226max) fps -6%
Intel Core i5-14600K
201 (173min, 153P1 - 227max) fps -7%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
200 (168min, 137P1 - 218max) fps -8%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
199.1 (168min, 166P1 - 223max) fps -8%
Intel Core i7-13700K
197.5 (169min, 158P1 - 222max) fps -9%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
196.9 (171min, 139P1 - 211max) fps -9%
Intel Core i7-13700
196.8 (166min, 156P1 - 217max) fps -9%
Intel Core i9-13900K
196.5 (166min, 152P1 - 220max) fps -9%
Intel Core i7-12700
193.1 (162min, 137P1 - 211max) fps -11%
Intel Core i5-12400F
185 (153min, 132P1 - 197max) fps -15%
Intel Core i5-13400
176.2 (144min, 127P1 - 189max) fps -19%

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D with Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090

lågmed.högultraQHD DLSSQHD4K DLSS4K
GTA V (2015) 187.8 187.7 187.6 187.1 186.7 187.6
The Witcher 3 (2015) 882 823 648 304 262 282
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) 368.7 343.5 328.7 307.2 298.4
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) 235 236 236 225 161.1
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) 199.4 205 182.5 152
Far Cry 5 (2018) 375 339 324 309 292 183
Strange Brigade (2018) 776 624 615 610 538 289
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) 409 392 383 375 315 184.8
Far Cry New Dawn (2019) 332 287 278 253 246 183
Metro Exodus (2019) 433 342 278 225 194.7 135
Borderlands 3 (2019) 325 299 276 262 234 138.5
F1 2020 (2020) 687 571 557 501 430 292
F1 2021 (2021) 797 711 642 351 322 217
Far Cry 6 (2021) 307 279 255 236 211 139.3
God of War (2022) 341 299 258 193.5 172.1 127.5
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (2022) 578 479 378 307 233 131.1
F1 22 (2022) 551 548 498 221 163.6 86.6
The Quarry (2022) 461 360 314 265 198.1 82.4
A Plague Tale Requiem (2022) 278 243 200 162.1 129 79.7
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection (2022) 172.8 173.4 170.3 168.4 151.9 102.3
The Callisto Protocol (2022) 342 320 313 256 217 151
High On Life (2023) 549 484 403 352 237 110.9
The Witcher 3 v4.00 (2023) 415 375 319 317 285 171.4
Dead Space Remake (2023) 291 285 256 257 187 98
Hogwarts Legacy (2023) 240 227 192.2 180.7 142 85.7
Returnal (2023) 261 257 239 209 172 115
Atomic Heart (2023) 384 315 233 199.6 162.5 103
Company of Heroes 3 (2023) 453 381 346 331 303 209
The Last of Us (2023) 256 234 220 203 155.4 86.2
F1 23 (2023) 567 574 528 223 157.9 80.6
Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) 397 320 287 283 225 134.1
Cyberpunk 2077 2.2 Phantom Liberty (2023) 251 239 232 223 154.9 76.2
Assassin's Creed Mirage (2023) 285 276 260 216 181 128
Total War Pharaoh (2023) 858.8 549.5 369.6 294.1 258.2 157.3
Alan Wake 2 (2023) 182.3 131.6 116.2 74.7
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (2023) 246 234 208 171 126 70
Helldivers 2 (2024) 281 269 267 264 229 140
F1 24 (2024) 541 540 487 208 151.2 80
Black Myth: Wukong (2024) 94 97 76 74 49
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (2024) 205 187 175 128 120
Stalker 2 (2024) 118.6 184.4 100.1 127 65.6
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (2024) 192.3 161.5 108.2

Effektbehov - Arrow Lake är mer effektiv

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D:s tillgängliga strömförbrukning har inte ändrats jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D. I siffror innebär detta ett maximalt energibehov som är begränsat till 162 watt (PPT). AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D kan dock inte komma i närheten av effektiviteten hos de nyligen introducerade Arrow Lake-processorerna. AMD har ändå lyckats med att avsevärt öka sin energieffektivitet jämfört med AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D.

Temperaturerna höll sig alltid inom det gröna området under alla tester. I stresstestet värmdes AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D upp till maximalt 82 °C. I kortare belastningsscenarier, som Cinebench R15 multi-loop, nådde processorn endast 64 °C och arbetade märkbart svalare än en AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D.

Testsystemets strömförbrukning - tomgång
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - tomgång
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R15 nT
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R15 nT
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R23 nT
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R23 nT
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R23 1T
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - Cinebench R23 1T
Testa systemets strömförbrukning - spel (The Witcher 3, Ultra förinställning)
Testa systemets strömförbrukning - spel (The Witcher 3, Ultra förinställning)
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - stresstest Prime95
Testsystemets strömförbrukning - stresstest Prime95
Stresstest - Prime95
Stresstest - Prime95

Efficiency overview

Power Consumption / Cinebench R23 Single Power Efficiency - external Monitor
Ryzen 7 9700X
19.7 Points per Watt +18%
Ultra 9 285K
19.5 Points per Watt +17%
Ultra 5 245K
18.6 Points per Watt +11%
R7 9800X3D
16.7 Points per Watt
Ryzen 9 9950X
15.8 Points per Watt -5%
15.51 Points per Watt -7%
Ryzen 5 9600X
15.2 Points per Watt -9%
13.8 Points per Watt -17%
R9 7950X
13.1 Points per Watt -22%
R7 7800X3D
9.54 Points per Watt -43%
Power Consumption / Cinebench R23 Multi Power Efficiency - external Monitor
Ryzen 9 9950X
129.5 Points per Watt +34%
Ultra 9 285K
119.8 Points per Watt +24%
Ryzen 7 9700X
116.9 Points per Watt +21%
Ultra 5 245K
109.9 Points per Watt +14%
R9 7950X
108.4 Points per Watt +12%
R7 9800X3D
96.4 Points per Watt
R7 7800X3D
89.1 Points per Watt -8%
Ryzen 5 9600X
82.2 Points per Watt -15%
77.57 Points per Watt -20%
73.8 Points per Watt -23%
Power Consumption / Cinebench R15 Multi Efficiency (external Monitor)
Ryzen 9 9950X
20.2 Points per Watt +32%
Ryzen 7 9700X
18.2 Points per Watt +19%
R9 7950X
17.1 Points per Watt +12%
Ultra 9 285K
17.1 Points per Watt +12%
Ultra 5 245K
15.8 Points per Watt +3%
R7 9800X3D
15.3 Points per Watt
R7 7800X3D
14.4 Points per Watt -6%
Ryzen 5 9600X
12.5 Points per Watt -18%
11.5 Points per Watt -25%
11.1 Points per Watt -27%
Power Consumption / Witcher 3 ultra Efficiency (external Monitor)
Ryzen 7 9700X
0.642 fps per Watt +4%
R7 7800X3D
0.632 fps per Watt +2%
Ultra 5 245K
0.626 fps per Watt +1%
R7 9800X3D
0.617 fps per Watt
Ultra 9 285K
0.602 fps per Watt -2%
Ryzen 9 9950X
0.583 fps per Watt -6%
0.56 fps per Watt -9%
0.56 fps per Watt -9%
R9 7950X
0.325 fps per Watt -47%
Power Consumption / Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor)
Intel Core i9-14900K
548 (545min, 545P1 - 551max) Watt * -130%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
373 (360min, 360P1 - 402max) Watt * -57%
Intel Core i7-13700
365 (363min, 363P1 - 367max) Watt * -53%
Intel Core i7-13700K
357 (356min, 356P1 - 362max) Watt * -50%
Intel Core i5-14600K
329 (323min, 324P1 - 331max) Watt * -38%
Intel Core i7-12700
284 (282min, 282P1 - 287max) Watt * -19%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
273 (264min, 264P1 - 304max) Watt * -15%
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
244 (242min, 242P1 - 246max) Watt * -3%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
238 (234min, 234P1 - 240max) Watt *
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
215 (134.8min, 135.6P1 - 259max) Watt * +10%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
210 (209min, 209P1 - 210max) Watt * +12%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
207 (203min, 203P1 - 216max) Watt * +13%
Intel Core i5-13400
196.6 (194.6min, 194.6P1 - 207max) Watt * +17%
Intel Core i5-12400F
194.4 (192.3min, 192.3P1 - 200max) Watt * +18%
Power Consumption / Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor)
Intel Core i9-14900K
537 (508min, 510P1 - 606max) Watt * -97%
Intel Core i7-13700
386 (363min, 364P1 - 487max) Watt * -42%
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K
382 (374min, 376P1 - 392max) Watt * -40%
Intel Core i5-14600K
370 (349min, 349P1 - 422max) Watt * -36%
Intel Core i7-13700K
357 (341min, 342P1 - 458max) Watt * -31%
Intel Core i7-12700
327 (304min, 305P1 - 394max) Watt * -20%
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
276 (267min, 267P1 - 329max) Watt * -1%
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D
272 (267min, 269P1 - 277max) Watt *
Intel Core Ultra 5 245K
263 (256min, 256P1 - 271max) Watt * +3%
Intel Core i5-12400F
239 (225min, 226P1 - 252max) Watt * +12%
Intel Core i5-13400
229 (224min, 224P1 - 247max) Watt * +16%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
227 (218min, 219P1 - 245max) Watt * +17%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
218 (214min, 215P1 - 223max) Watt * +20%
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X
213 (207min, 208P1 - 220max) Watt * +22%

* ... mindre är bättre

Power consumption with external monitor

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø272 (267-277)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø238 (234-240)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø124.7 (120.1-157.7)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø241 (230-251)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø573 (565-585)

Power consumption with external monitor

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø108.1 (102.7-112.5)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; Cyberpunk 2077 FHD ultra no FSR (external Monitor): Ø549 (540-554)
AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D; 1920x1080 The Witcher 3 ultra (external Monitor): Ø493 (487-512)

Notebookcheck totalt betyg

AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D erbjuder mer prestanda än sin föregångare, vilket blev särskilt tydligt i CPU-benchmark. Utan någon betydande konkurrens från Intel är AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D förstahandsvalet när det gäller topprestanda inom spelsektorn. När det gäller priset kan AMD dock snubbla på sig själv, eftersom dess nuvarande MRSP på $ 479 för en 8-kärnig processor är mycket hög.


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Every year, Notebookcheck independently reviews hundreds of laptops and smartphones using standardized procedures to ensure that all results are comparable. We have continuously developed our test methods for around 20 years and set industry standards in the process. In our test labs, high-quality measuring equipment is utilized by experienced technicians and editors. These tests involve a multi-stage validation process. Our complex rating system is based on hundreds of well-founded measurements and benchmarks, which maintains objectivity.

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> Bärbara datorer, laptops - tester och nyheter > Tester > Recension av AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D CPU för stationära datorer: Ingen chans för Intels Arrow Lake mot AMD:s nya gaming-CPU med 3D V-Cache och Zen 5-arkitektur
Sebastian Bade, 2024-11- 7 (Update: 2024-11- 7)